
Friday, 22 May 2020

Taha Hinengaro

today I will be doing a Taha challenge it is the last one it is called Taha Hinengaro we have been doing the last four the last 4 days it is fun I got all of my ones finished and I just need to get the last one up and then I will be finished all of them if you were a yr 7-8 at Point England School then you will have to do it. it is fun for us we can do it and if you were in my class it is silents because we are aloud to talk but we are silent because we don't want to talk we haven't been talking ever since 9:00 it is fun when they are not talking because we can get our work done this is the 22 of may and we it is school so come back to school it is 22 come back next week. even though it has changed it is still safe and the same so we encourage you to come back to school it is safe for you to come to school all of your mates are hear or they are at home don't copy your mates and want you to follow yourself and come to school it is safe because we can help you come back to school Point Englanders it is fun.

  1. I am grateful of my family because during the lockdown they have help me with my homework and wake us up to go on to our meets and wakes us up for school.
  2. I am greatful for is food because my nan goes to the shops everyday just to get enough food for all of us.
  3. I am greatful of my nan taking care of me and taking me in with my siblings.
  4. I am greatful for my family they always show me and my siblings kindness i love them so much.
  5. I am greatful for the food that they have provided us for us to eat and they support me through my homework love you so much.

there you have it this is my Taha challenge it was fun to do and I love doing these I hope all of Point Englanders to year 7-8 I hope you have finished your taha challenge if you are at home you can do this at home but we support you if you come to school is fun we can do this and you can come to school if we can do these Taha challenges then you can do it too. you can come to school with all of your team mates we are safe at school there is no problems.

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